Analyzing the legendary housing boom and bust in the Bakken region of North Dakota
This week's Report explains how TIF can pay for new infrastructure at little or no cost to the city
This week's Report explains how to investors underwrite deals that have unreliable financial data
This week's Report explains 3 paths to establish a successful RE firm without an initial network
This week's Report explains the transition away from public housing projects.
This week's report charts the COVID era rent boom across 24 US markets
How a massive influx in apartment supply is reducing rents across the board.
This week's Ridgeview Report details the scope we use to renovation apartments in 2024
An explainer on how citywide policies are crushing muiltifamily investors in NYC
A walkthrough of the first couple weeks of ownership of the Barcelona Apartments
Walking through each era of apartment buildings, and their pros and cons
A breakdown of each property in the Ridgeview Property Group portfolio